Friday 14 August 2015

Separation Anxiety

The kids have been keeping me awake at night recently. No, they're not babies any more, and no, they haven't been ill. I'm not up doing night feeds or soothing teething. There are not even any night terrors or bed wetting.

The thing is, they've not even been on the house.

We're supposed to be enjoying a week's peace and quiet while they live it up a the nearby centre of a well-known operator of outdoor activity centres, enjoying pursuits such as abseiling, quad-biking and aeroball(?). They've both been there before - more than once- with either school or Brownies, so it should not be a big deal. They are also no strangers to staying away from home overnight with friends and family.

Somehow, however, this feels different. It's the first time we don't know any of the people in charge of looking after them overnight, and we have no real way of contracting them. Even if they had phones off their own (which they don't!), valuables are discouraged and locked away on arrival, and children are actively discouraged from phoning home as it can apparently cause additional homesickness.

All of which of course leaves me at home worrying...

...if they remembered to apply sunscreen when it was sunny...

...if they have got appropriate waterproofs for today's wet weather...

..whether the burgeoning colds they left with have gone...

...whether they got enough sleep...

And finally;

....why I'm turning into my mother...

The answer will present itself when I fetch them tonight. In the meantime, I'm assuming no news has been good news!