Wednesday 31 July 2013

The Longest Week?

(Slightly short, dull, incoherent post, sorry)

One week into the summer holidays, and with typical timing the weather has returned to its usual British unpredictability, somewhat scuppering my detailed plan for plenty of outdoor activities. It appears that I've managed to survive my first taste of the non-working-parent-summer-holiday-lifestyle relatively unscathed, other than it having caused a strong craving for gin on what should by rights be a non-drinking day. It has also only reinforced the idea that I'm too cowardly to do this full-time, and the search for a new job has taken tentative steps.

That is not to say that I have not enjoyed myself and I have loved seeing the way the children respond to being at home with me. We're getting to the stage where we are getting used to spending so much time on top of each other after an initial somewhat frantic pace where it appeared that they wanted as much of me as possible. I've also taken a step back from social media, which I think has helped my relaxation levels greatly, and I'm wondering if my love affair with Twitter may be permanently over.

Thank heavens for libraries and National Trust membership, as well as various free events specially designed for harassed parents, thanks to which the budget appears to be holding up.

Here's to week 2...

Walled garden, Avebury NT