Wednesday 6 March 2013

PEGI Family Gaming Ambassador - Challenge 2

(Sponsored Post - view Challenge 1 here:

I'm very, very late with this post.

Not because this challenge was particularly difficult, but mainly because of those mysterious circumstances that dictate that when you need an electronic device of any description, the batteries will run out and you will not have any replacements in the house. (Seriously, why does EVERYTHING need batteries these days? I wish I'd gone into battery production. I'd be making a fortune).

Anyway. The second challenge is all about Collaboration. So Stop, Collaborate, and Listen.

The lovely folks at Ask About Games instructed to spend a couple of 60 minute sessions playing video games together as a family. In order to do this, we were given a copy of Just Dance 4, and a Skylanders Giants starter pack for the Xbox 360.

As I may have mentioned before, we have already owned a Nintendo Wii for a while, so are familiar with the Just Dance franchise. Playing this together was therefore not a new experience for us (although the fact that we managed to rope my husband in was!), and it tends to be something "we girls" do together fairly regularly. Great exercise for me, if nothing else!

It's at this point that I'm supposed to show you a short video clip of us busting our groovy moves to Barry White's My First, My Last, My Everything. Unfortunately, this is where technology conspired against us, the Flip camera refused to record us, and we gave up. Should we ever repeat our perfect score, I'll post the video another time. In the meantime, here's an artist's impression:

What I found slightly more challenging was playing the Skylanders game collaboratively, as this is mainly set up to be a first-person adventure game and we only have one controller. However, in the end, we did manage to both fulfil our challenges and collaborate, by the 7 year old controlling the game while myself and Mr Sardinetin shouted instructions, and the 5 year old swapped playing figures on the portal...

I'm a big believer in not leaving children unsupervised in front of technology for too long, so playing games together is something that we do actually enjoy while satisfying the control freak in me. With the advent of so many "family-friendly" consoles and games, there really is no excuse for not finding something that everyone can participate in either.

Having said this, I am dreading the days when my "Just Dance" crown is seriously challenged - DD2 is showing some serious rhythm...
P.S. If you're viewing this on a mobile device, and feel the desperate need to comment, you might have to view the "web version" to do so. Sorry, and thank you!