Monday 21 January 2013

In the words of Samuel (not Boris) Johnson. (An Ode to London)


I've always felt that I'm a small-town girl. Not a country girl, not a city girl, but definitely a small town girl. A "town-big-enough-for-suitable-amenities-but-small-enough-to-get-to-know-it" sort of girl. It's just those are the sort of places I have been brought up and lived for most of my life. I'm pretty sure the limitations of country living would probably outweigh country air and the stunning vistas for me personally, and I feel like I've done my big city stint (a year working in Paris). When I left university, the nature of my course etc meant that a lot of my peers migrated towards London, but I never particularly felt the need to join them.

That doesn't mean that I steer clear of cities, by any means - quite the contrary, I love nothing more than a city break! Paris will always hold a special place in my heart, but I do also have a particular fondness for London. We have an old friend who still lives the metropolitan single lifestyle in London, and once a year he throws a party, which my husband and I use as an excuse to leave the children with the grandparents and do our best not to look too provincial.

I have to say that it was probably the first time that I've seen London in the snow, and I must say she wore it pretty well.

Nevern Square

We stayed in our favourite hotel, hung around the tourist traps of Knightsbridge and South Kensington, soaked up the atmosphere, met up with old friends, took in some culture, wined and dined, and generally enjoyed ourselves immensely.

Victoria and Albert museum
I do love the V&A - best done without kids in tow though!

We're already planning our next visit - this time probably with the children in tow, as they seem to love it just as much as we do...