Tuesday 30 March 2010

The Gallery - Outside my Front Door

This is my first attempt at participating in The Gallery by Tara Cain, over at Sticky Fingers. This week's prompt is "outside my front door". The indecisive Libran in me couldn't quite decide which pic to go for, so you I have gone for two. The first; literally the view from outside my front door. As you can see, we live in a Victorian part of town, which I absolutely adore.

We moved here 3 years ago (11 days before DD2 made an appearance - not to be recommended!), from a typical 80s cul-de-sac in the suburbs. We have lovely neighbours, and behind our back garden we have the most wonderful park (second pic). It is a great place for people to congregate and for children to play, with a little tea shop selling refreshments, and brass band concerts on the bandstand in the summer. There is also a fishpond and an aviary, and some very tame squirrels.

Most people move further out of town when children are born, but we did the opposite, and I am so glad we did!